Solar Buddy

Welcome to Solar Buddy, an empowering program that enables you and your team to make a positive impact! Assemble solar-powered lights, brightening the lives of children and gaining a deeper understanding of renewable energy. Through this remarkable program, you'll develop empathy, appreciate your colleagues' strengths, and foster collaboration within your team.
The process is simple: when you join Solar Buddy, your team receives all the components and instructions needed to build solar-powered lights.
Assembling these lights becomes an enjoyable activity that deepens your understanding of environmental issues and fosters empathy for those without electricity.
The outcome? Your collective efforts create beautiful personal lights that bring light to children's homes and inspire their dreams.
Team Size: 10-1000+
Duration: 1 hour
Outcomes: CSR, Uniting Teams, Teamwork, One team, Collaboration
Enquiries: Use the form below or call: 1300 762 838